2016 Season

2016 team

The 2016 YETI team

Our 2011 Robot: BLACK ICE

Black Ice Pic

Robot Info:

  • Pneumatic 6WD West Coast Style tank drive, 6 CIMS with pneumatic shifters19ft/s High, 9ft/s Low
  • Variable intake arm pivoted by one BAG Vex VersaPlanetary Gearbox 30:1 to grab ball and damage defenses of Stronghold
  • Roller bar built into intake to suck ball in while pinched against the bumper driven by BAG VexVersaPlanetary Gearbox 10:1
  • Shooter driven by 2 Mini CIMS and pivoted by a small gearbox or air cylinder (design changed through the season)
  • Extending scissor lift climber deployed by stretched spear gun tubing, 6 second climb to full 6ft height
  • Climbing Winch made from MiniCim Vex VersaPlanetary Gearbox 60:1 and aluminum spool with air brake to prevent falling. Dyneema winch string that controlled the extension and retraction of the scissor lift
  • Could quickly damage all defenses from the front besides the drawbridge and sally port (could backdoor quickly)
  • Frame 14 inches tall


Content coming soon, MATTHEW!

© 2021 by Isaiah Gamble

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900 Pressley Road, Charlotte, NC 28217